Why subscribe?
We offer 3 areas of content, once or twice a month. You will receive the following:
First Area: You get exclusive, unique, and high quality insights on building and marketing a business or a personal brand, from Joanne Z. Tan, a global brand builder, brand strategist and digital marketing expert.
Joanne is the founder and CEO of an award-winning, full service digital marketing and advertising agency, 10 Plus Brand, Inc. Tens of thousands of people (and growing) subscribe to 10 Plus Brand’s free monthly newsletters that have summaries of her proprietary insights. We will offer paid subscription mid 2022. Paid subscribers to Substack get ALL the nuggets, not available on our free newsletters.
Second Area: “Interviews of Notables and Influencers” series. There, you get high value, cutting edge information from well known influencers, authorities and leaders in their fields, or “ordinary people doing extraordinary things”.
Examples of past influencers we interviewed are: Tim Draper, a multi billionaire and an early bitcoin investor talking about bitcoin and crypto; Patrick Lee, co-founder of Rotten Tomatoes on Web3 and NFT, etc.
Third Area: Gems of wisdom, ways to improve daily living.
Hope you will find value.
Subscriber Benefits include:
Subscriber-only posts, and an invitation to join the community.
Q&A Webinar on how to build a brand for more influence, more clients, and more success.
10 Plus Brand NFT (to be issued later).
Founding member benefits include:
1 to 1 individual session for 30 minutes with Joanne Z. Tan to audit your brand;
An exclusive Founder NFT (to be issued).