Yosemite Adventure 4-part Series: Part 3 & 4
Clouds Rest & thunderstorm; Conversing with a quail; 3,665 feet descent on slippery trail next to cliffs; heeding mountains' wisdom ...
“Never climb Clouds Rest in a thunderstorm. You will be struck by lightning.” We were minutes away from the first rain drop on top of Clouds Rest.
Among three options below, video has the most spectacular photos and videos of Yosemite:
“I heard from mountain climbers before that ‘climbing up is easy, climbing down is hard.’ I didn’t totally believe it until we descended the Mist Trail to Yosemite Valley.
Daley, out of concern for me, was talking and showing me how to use the trekking pole, which distracted his concentration on a steep stairs of slippery sand on rocks, so he slipped and fell, next to a sharp drop of elevation. It scared the daylights out of me…”
Part 1 & 2 were released yesterday (July 15, 2023):
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