Is bank the best place for your cash in inflation?
The Book “Transparent Investing” by Patrick Geddes has inside advice for the stock market investing – Interviews of Notables & Influencers by Joanne Z. Tan
Do you really need a financial advisor?
What are the hidden fees?
What is the simplest yet hardest thing to do in stock investment?
Investment expert Patrick Geddes, author of “Transparent Investing” (to be released on Jan 25th, 2022), talks about active vs. passive investment, fees (can be hidden) charged by wealth advisors and asset managers, why taxes can lower ROI, where is the best place for cash other than a bank during inflation…etc.
If you invest any amount in the securities market, if you work with a financial advisor, or are considering ditching or hiring one YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS this 1.5 hour interview!
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BTW, You do NOT want to miss our next newsletter: What Are the Top 3 Super Bowl TV Commercials, based on 10 Plus Brand’s expert judgement? Live, during Super Bowl, on Feb 13 2022, we will announce the top 3 Super Bowl tv commercials, as a video, a podcast, and blog. This is the 3rd year in a row for 10 Plus Brand’s picks of the best Super Bowl ads since 2021. Last year’s selections of the top 3 best Super Bowl ads 2021 were agreed with by a Harvard Business School marketing professor and the general public.
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