2022 Super Bowl Top 3 TV Commercials
Here are the finalists. We stand by our original picks, since no other ads beat the top 3 we chose, in their order.
For the third year in a row, 10 Plus Brand, Inc. is proud to present the “Top 3 Best Super Bowl Commercials”.
This year, something strange happened-- previous years’ super bowl ads were all released weeks or days before the big game; this year, only about 35% of the ads were pre-released two weeks before the game, and as of yesterday, about 80% of commercials were released.
Were they afraid of not making it to the top 3 rated by 10 Plus Brand?
If that’s the case, we are so flattered!
We have ranked first, second, third place winners. Year after year we use the same criteria for ranking the top 3 best tv commercials during Super Bowl:
No vulgarity, partisanship, bad taste and
The brand’s message comes across clearly and artistically with originality & integrity.
And the winners are…
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10 Plus Brand Inc. recently added NFT branding for Web3 Metaverse, in addition to the “whole 10 yards” of brand building, digital marketing, and content creation for business and personal brands.
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What a game! We stand by our prior picks, since no other ads were better than our top 3. What we picked previously are the finalists in the original order.