Personal Branding on LinkedIn // B2B Loyalty Programs// Breaking Through Fears & Limits
The newly rebranded helps differentiate your LinkedIn profile
LinkedIn Personal Branding - Announcing our rebranded website:
Focusing only on LinkedIn personal branding and LinkedIn profiles (both personal profiles and business pages), is a subsidiary “tugboat” under our “mothership”
In the AI Age, why are “loyalty programs” important? - Brand Loyalty (pt 2 of 2)
As AI is leveling the playing field for all, loyalty programs and customer experience are getting more important in B2B services. But don’t call it a “discount”!
Break Through Your Fears and Limits
Hint: It is all in your mind! (Obstacles are larger than they appear.)
Joanne’s Reading List
“Animal Farm”, by George Orwell
All the more relevant today than 80 years ago
“1984”, by George Orwell
All the more relevant today than 80 years ago
“What Got You Here Won’t Get You There”, by Marshall Goldsmith
How to get “there”?
“The Customer Success Story”, by Nick Mehta
Is it outdated in the AI age? Or is it qualified as a “classic”?
Need help with your personal or business brand?
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(About 10 Plus Brand Inc.: We do “the whole 10 yards” of brand building, digital marketing, content creation, AI experience design for business and personal brands. To contact us: 1-888-288-4533.)
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