How to build brand loyalty, for both your business and personal brands?
A funny & short excerpt from Joanne’s memoir | Harms caused by political correctness & self censorship
A funny & short excerpt from Joanne’s Memoir
When my two sons were about 14 and 11 years old, they were given a video game break after doing their homework, and I got a chance to prepare for a photo shoot as a photographer. I remembered that I had folded my tripod into a pouch with a shoulder strap, but couldn’t find it afterwards…
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Brand building & brand loyalty are created upon vision & company culture
Brand loyalty, from both internal workforce and external customers, are the ultimate honor a brand can achieve. How to build it? What roles do vision and company culture play in brand building?
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Political Correctness & Self Censorship (30” Seconds of Anything)
Out of fear & political correctness, we all have practiced self censorship to various degrees. What harm do they cause? To ourselves, to our society?
1-minute read
1.5 minute podcast
1.5 minute video
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(About 10 Plus Brand Inc.: We do “the whole 10 yards” of brand building, digital marketing, and content creation for business and personal brands. To contact us: 1-888-288-4533.)
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